smells like teen spirit
I don't think I've been this knackered in years.WTF are optimisation algorithms? And don't make me sorry I asked.
Right. In plain English, optimisation algorithms are computational mathematical methods used in Operational Research to find the optimal choice of component variables, subject to constraints, that maximise or minimise an objective function. An example of a widely-used formula for calculating the optimal value of a Markov stochastic programming problem with actions is as follows:
V*n(i) = max a(n) { Rn(i, a(n)) + sigma jESn (pij(n)(a(n))V*n-1(j) }, where Rn(i, a(n)) = sigma jESn (pij(n)(a(n)) rij(n)(a(n))
Makes sense, huh? That formula looks even nicer when written out fully.
Given limitless money, what runs out first - life, or the desire to live?
I'm tempted to say that life does. Certainly not all individuals will be happier with lots of money. Anyone, regardless of financial status, will feel the same set of emotions when put under conditions of extreme sadness or grief. The common denominator underlying individuals, rich or poor, is human emotion - it transcends ethnicity, culture, gender, age. Most of us will have already experienced this, but losing a loved one can make life pointless and unbearable to live. Some people will argue that money does not equal happiness, but heck, having a stable financial backing will generally prevent you from worrying about basic human necessities - food and shelter. I mean, I'd be pretty unhappy if I lived in a bus shelter, starving and/or freezing cold.
What was your biggest act of teenage rebellion?
What are you implying? Lol. I was a pretty good kid. Being 'pretty good' put my parents through enough stress that I cannot bear to imagine what state they'd be in, had I not been such an angel. Ahem. The biggest act, however, shall remain undisclosed between me and my partner-in-crime.
If the world's a subway, then where's the subway?? Under the world??
Crikey - you make me think way too hard. First optimisation algorithms, and now this. I thought about this one for much too long. I don't know the answer, and it's bothering me. If the world were a subway, then it would be under something. Technically subways are 'under the world'. But since the world is supposedly a subway, then doesn't that imply that the world is under the world?
Don't think about that one too much.
Edited to add: Speaking of living in bus shelters and similar establishments...