brasil 40C
This year, Selfridges' May festival was inspired by the beaches and sensual atmosphere of Rio de Janeiro. When did Brazil become cool again? The atmosphere was electric. Bright butterflies, tropical palms, havaianas, football, and samba - totally hot. At noon there was a 15-minute fashion show up and down all floors from top to bottom on the central escalators, which was a pretty bloody ingenious use of space in my opinion. It was the highlight of today's events - half-naked models, dripping with glitter, poured into bikinis or (for the men) beach towels, parading up and down the escalators, illuminated by pink, green, blue and purple spotlights, against backdrops of Sao Paulo's skyline. The weather outside might indicate otherwise, but it feels like summer in London already...What does ubiquitous mean?
It's a fancy S.A.T. word that means omnipresent, or seeming to be everywhere at the same time.
If a prostitute is willing, and the man wants to pay, who's the victim?
Why, the prostitute would be - if the man were ugly, fat, old, bald, spotty, reeking of body odour, with long and dirty toenails, hair in all the wrong places, and absolutely unimpressive nether regions. (if you want to get technical about it, the word 'victim' can (and does) mean something else entirely in the industry which we are discussing, but I'll leave it at that.)
What's the most efficient way to waste company resources?
Here are some to start, but don't blame me if you get in trouble. Surf the web. Surf the web constantly. Check your e-mail. Write an e-mail. Write multiple e-mails. Send spam. Nick some nice pens. Or possibly Post-It notes - those are bloody expensive in shops.
My questions don't seem to be very any tips for anonymity?
No. Big Brother is watching.