it's that time again
The very sight of it scares me. It's enough to reduce me to tears.It's the front page of the official University College London Examination Answer Book which requires 'candidates' to 'neatly complete' the blank spaces provided with their candidate identifier, seat number, course module code, course module name, date and time of examination, and other such wonderful details. That innocent piece of string sitting on that lonely desk brings back such terrible memories. If there's still one use left for string in the 21st century, it's in England. And it's used for tying a candidate's Answer Books together.
Oh yes - it's that lovely time again - examinations. Clearly the most inaccurate method of evaluating one's intelligence and yet the most preferred way of doing so. I am against methods of evaluation that put candidates through such trauma, but I have no choice but to succumb to this horror.
Social Statistics. Not the easiest course by any means and certainly not one that should be evaluated whilst under incredible pressure (ahem - 90% of degree assessment, anyone?). Negative standard errors? Regression estimators ('erm...what are those')? Optimal sample sizes of 711 million households (when the population only consists of six million households)?
Only in Social Stats, baby. Only in Social Stats.