
woodchucks, amongst other things

I received this question a few days ago in the question box.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
You guys kill me. I nearly died giggling as I read this one. I mean, of all questions to ask. I haven't had time to post, but the question was gnawing away at me (no pun intended) so here's my response.

This is a purely hypothetical question since it contains the word 'if'. If the woodchuck could actually chuck wood, then technically the question ought to read something like, 'How much wood does a woodchuck chuck, when a woodchuck chucks wood?' I'm going to be lazy about this, though, because there is another point I ought to raise - the fact that the word 'chuck' takes on two meanings. I don't know about you, but the British always refer to 'chuck' as in to 'toss' (no, not that toss - get your mind out of the gutter); i.e. 'Chuck this in the rubbish bin for me, will you?' I could simply say that woodchucks don't actually chuck - as in throw - wood. Woodchucks seem to be busy little creatures and I reckon they wouldn't normally be sat on top of their burrows randomly throwing wood around.

Right. So the question implies that woodchucks can actually chuck wood. How much can it chuck? What, you want me to get all mathematical about this? (Factor-label method, anyone?) Apologies but I am far too lazy. My answer is that a woodchuck can chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Now don't go asking me why she sells seashells by the seashore, alright?

Speaking of questions, some of my friends have been asking people to ask them three questions about anything they want, under the condition that they are totally honest about the answers. Some of the questions asked so far:

*The world will be ending in an hour. What are you doing right now?
*Would you rather lose the ability to laugh or the ability to see colour?
*If you could relive one day of your life without changing any of the events, which day would you choose? How willing are you to risk discovering that nostalgia has clouded the accuracy of your memories?
*If you were to identify that which makes you you, what characteristic would you describe? What uniqueness would people who know you say distinguishes you from others?

Bloody hell. How do you do it? How do you answer questions like these? It's just me, but these questions are way too personal for my liking. I'm extremely, extremely private. There is nothing I dislike more than being asked questions that cross my personal boundary of what I want people to know and what I want to remain a mystery. I admire you for being able to be completely open and answering every personal question that comes your way; it's something I could never do.

But if your question is about woodchucks...