

I admit - I'm jetlagged. It's nearly 2 a.m. here and only 9 p.m. at home, and I'm wide awake.

Here's what you submitted in the feedback box today.

Bombardment! Bombardment!
Whoever sent this follows instructions very well. I specifically asked you all to 'bombard me with messages'. Brilliant. Pray continue.

Hey, just testing this out until I actually have something good to ask you. I'm too tired today to think (much less study, for that matter...). anyway, you probably will already be in London when you get this, so...hope your flight was good, and good luck on your exams, and see you soon! :)
A very nice message indeed. I wish I could get by with just 'luck' on my exams. Unfortunately, something similar to a miracle would be more appropriate...

How does this work?
I like this - ask if you don't know. I hope the captions on the box are more clear now. I am often gently reminded that I may know what I'm talking about, but everyone else may not, necessarily. In other words, if you would like to ask a question or get in contact, then this is what the box is there for. If you want me to get back to you privately, leave your e-mail address. All questions will be indulged.

Actually, this is a feedback box, so I don't technically have to ASK anything, but I feel like I should. Heh. So...just to start out, I can only think of 1 question: is there a particular song lyric that you really relate to?
Bloody hell! This requires far too much thought. It depends on what stage I'm at in my life. Very recently, it was Dido's White Flag. Right now? A response is forthcoming. It is now time to sleep.

Good night, world.