
I had a marvellous time in London on Tuesday - it was spent shopping, then people-watching, and then with friends for dinner. I was originally supposed to meet with one of my friends (the others couldn't make it), but then two others unexpectedly showed up. By the end of the night we had been giggling and laughing so hard that our faces hurt. It struck me later on, that when I eventually leave the UK I am going to experience a profound emptiness as a result of my friends not being just around the corner, or a bus ride away, which are things that I've taken for granted over the past few years. I suppose the only solace is that when I do return, they will just be a phone call away, and they will always be here... We have a chemistry together that I will miss deeply.

In other news I've been planning a surprise (50th) birthday party for my mum. It is scheduled to take place on Monday night, and, fingers crossed, everything will fall into place according to plan. It's admittedly somewhat difficult coordinating everything from this side of the ocean. My mum can smell a plan from miles away though - it's as if she's equipped with radars, ESP, or something similar (this was particularly scary during my teenage years). The theme is Hawaii - but there are no plans to coerce anyone into wearing grass skirts and coconut bras. Yet.

I know that it isn't going to happen, but I'm hoping to have some time to myself over the spring break. Admittedly I do feel a bit stretched thin - sometimes it can feel as though I need 42 Andreas just to attend to everything and everyone in my life.

But enough whinging. Hurrah for:
*Spending time with my parents
*My sweetheart visiting in a week
*Travel plans for the summer
*Academic life drawing to a close
*Duty free shopping
*Good-ass jeans
*Heaps and heaps of Japanese food
*The promise of springtime weather

My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon. I'll catch up with you all from home.