back online
I'm back online now - after almost a month without a laptop (how, oh how, did I survive?). I'm posting from my shiny new Dell Inspiron 6000 which I hope will have a slightly longer shelf life than my previous Toshiba.I had the most lovely birthday/Valentine's weekend ever. I met with my parents last Saturday in London and we spent the day shopping, prior to having dinner at Wagamama in Leicester Square followed by a showing of Walk the Line (which, by the way, was superb and highly recommended - and not just because of Reese Witherspoon's fantastic outfits).
D arrived on Sunday morning and the day that ensued was wonderful. While my parents took in some art galleries, D and I went shopping - first at Selfridges, and then at Harrods. We met with my parents for dinner at Gordon Ramsay's restaurant Maze which was lovely, before getting on the bus and returning to Oxford.
My birthday was on Monday, and being the sad/diligent (delete as appropriate) student I am, I went to a lecture at 10 before meeting with D and my parents for gift-opening at my flat. I am so terribly spoiled! Spent the afternoon in town and dinner was at the Old Parsonage Hotel Restaurant (delicious - I would definitely go back, especially to try out their famous afternoon tea).
It was one of the happiest weekends I've had in a long time - but far too short. Then again, I guess there is some truth to the saying that time flies when you're having fun...