I have spent three out of the past four nights with White Teeth D. Two nights ago I had thought that our Actuarial Science in course assessment was sorted - that is, until someone cleverly pointed out that we had forgot to use survival probabilities when calculating the required premiums - a gross oversight on both our parts. The assessment is due today, and at 4 pm yesterday, we essentially had to start over. He left my flat only an hour ago.
White Teeth D was one of the first people I recall meeting in first year. I thought he was American, and much older than the rest of us (he is older, by a wee bit. But don't tell him I said that. I prefer making him feel ancient - it's much more amusing). We really only briefly exchanged quick hellos in the corridors, or had piddly conversations about the weather, and that was about all. In second year, we didn't see much of each other. This year, however, we have become close again, doing a fair portion of our homework together. It certainly helps that he lives only a minute's walk away from me. But what I've found really quite surprising (and rather pleasant) is that out of all of my friends, he is the most similar to me. We've had similar upbringings and types of schooling, and we both appreciate art and culture, not to mention that we have very similar approaches/views on things. Most importantly however, our morals, values, and sense of right or wrong are intrinsically the same. The saying, 'you are who your friends are', could not be more appropriate here.
Our interests are actually quite different, however. He loves golf; it bores me to tears. I love (and am very opinionated about) certain genres of music; he's not heard much of it, and probably wouldn't enjoy it (although I'd be the first to tell him that he doesn't know what he's missing). He likes tomatoes and hates soymilk, and you guessed it - I love soymilk, and God, do I ever hate tomatoes. Yet, somehow, we get along.
I find it rather amazing that two people can appear to be quite different on the surface, and yet, differences aside, can also be extraordinarily similar in very many ways. It's strange. And yet it is also very comforting, to have connections to people who can catch your eye at little moments and say in their own silent way, 'Yes, I understand you'. It makes you feel just a bit more human, I think.
oh, crystal ball, crystal ball
save us all
tell me life is beautiful
mirror, mirror on the wall
oh, crystal ball, hear my song
i'm fading out, everything i know is wrong
so put me where i belong

>masters student at the university of oxford
>enjoys frequenting beautiful places
>fancies getting lost in london for a day
>fascinated by art, food, design, and style
>in love with her knight in shining armour
welcome to self expressed.
would you like to get in touch?
a day in the life
today04.09.06 > i took a day off, got my hair cut, and went to selfridges -- am waiting for revisions from my supervisor for the final draft of the dissertation. maybe i'll be able to print, bind, and hand it in early?
i_ have been winding down
high rotation_ muse, supermassive black hole
now playing_ legally blonde + legally blonde 2
in the works_ dissertation -- it's nearly finished
craving_ cookie dough ice cream
satellite_ mild and sunny, 24c
wishlist_ red high heels (can't find a perfect pair)
obsessions_ my dior ring (a present from daniel)
can't wait_ to enjoy my last weeks in london for now
+getting pampered
+being almost finished
+last days as a student!
+spending time with friends
+an unexpected bowl of udon
+being filofax-organised
+all things girly
-the thought of leaving
-peeling nails
-'executive' hobbit houses
-shapeless everything in autumn collections
-25 mph winds on balcony
-figure placement in LaTeX
written in the stars for aquarians on 04.09.06:
jupiter's harmonious link to mercury is most encouraging. it doesn't promise you an easy time, an unmitigated success or a breathtaking encounter with a source of deep inspiration. but neither does it deny you any of the above.
andrea the shopoholic recently bought:
>clinique mild liquid face soap
>mini flip flap plant
>book: the yummy mummy's survival guide
>book: how to walk in high heels
>filofax mini organiser
i've been thinking about:
>moving and relocating to bermuda
>what still needs to be edited in my dissertation
>maternal instincts
places to eat/drink:
seconds, please:
>duck/coriander/watermelon salad at eight over eight
i last fed my ipod on 04.09.06. latest additions:
>album > muse: black holes and revelations
>album > hotel costes: costes
>album > hotel costes: la suite

little black book
04.09.06 hair appointment at hari's08.09.06 mum and dad arrive in transit in london
14.09.06 mum and dad arrive in london
15.09.06 dissertation deadline
17.09.06 return to toronto
??.09.06 relocate to bermuda
09.10.06 anticipated work start date
??.10.06 trip to uk for oxford graduation
21.10.06 oxford graduation ceremony
22.10.06 daniel's birthday
22.10.06 return to bermuda
- presidents, prime ministers, and...
- and the oscar goes to...
- in other news
- the second that says so much
- of spiders and poisoned meringues
- fake plastic greens
- answer by song title
- 'boom bam as i step in the jam, god damn'
- birthday weekend
- the radio 2 effect
get in touch
i'd love to hear from you. please leave questions or comments in the box, and specify your e-mail address if you'd like me to e-mail you.

i love everything that flows, everything that has time in it and becoming, that brings us back to the beginning where there is never end...