
A and I went for dinner yesterday. It was nice, except for the embarrassing moment when we were being taken to our table and I had to squeeze past the adjacent diners to get to my seat. In doing so, the back of my handbag knocked over their bottle of wine, causing some of it to spill onto the man's lap. I apologised profusely and offered to get them another bottle, but they assured me that it was fine. Later that evening, the same man accidentally knocked over his own wine glass, spilling wine over himself yet again, cursing under his breath and muttering that it has not been a good week. He did not look pleased. I felt like leaning over and saying, 'If it makes you feel any better, I'm not having the most brilliant week either'.

My brain decided to take a holiday this morning, so I took the opportunity to go shopping. What a lovely time it is to go shopping, now that workers are once again confined to their cubicles, Russian tourists have gone home (thankfully), and students are slowly starting to realise that it might be best to stay in and sleep off their hangovers. Most items were still 50% off, there were no queues, and there were still itty-bitty sizes left. I am now the proud owner of a pair of Diesel jeans (one can never have too many) - in the Hush DS fit, with the most gorgeous wash ever. Very sexy. And for half price? Even better.