postcards from bermuda

A view from the harbour in Hamilton, Bermuda's only city, of Front Street, the pretty pastel-coloured main shopping street.

If only I could live somewhere like this...A view from my boyfriend's front porch. Bliss.

Astwood Cove, one of Bermuda's national parks. One late afternoon, just before sunset, we climbed onto the rocks and peered over the cliffs and into the waves crashing upon the rocks below.

Bermuda is famous for its underground caves, of which there are hundreds. This is the main one - Crystal Caves - with its spectacular stalagmites and stalagtites, complete with floating bridge.

Our beach chairs on an afternoon at my boyfriend's golf club's private beach.

The view from the beach house at Cambridge Beaches, one of the loveliest cottage colonies on the island.

You've seen this one before - this is sunset at The Reefs, a top hotel complex in Bermuda, the view from our table overlooking the beach and torch lights below.

And finally, the departing view of my boyfriend on his scooter as he heads off to work on the morning of my departure.
More Bermuda to follow.