

SantaMuse does not enjoy Christmas shopping. Often she gets rather grumpy and un-SantaMuse-like whilst scouring the shops of London for boys and girls who are very difficult to shop for. Not to name any names, but *cough*Juliet*cough* would undoubtedly top SantaMuse's 'Most %$!£ing Difficult To Shop For' list.

So, for you boys and girls out there (Juliet included!), what would you like SantaMuse to get you for Christmas? The naughtier you've been, the better. Ooops, bad SantaMuse. Bad.

And no waffly wishes, please. SantaMuse does not do world peace, saving Brazilian rainforests, eradicating world hunger (leave that to Bono), yadda yadda. Bah humbug.