before i forget...
Apologies to all for my elusiveness for the past while - life has, as of late, given me a virtual slap in the face, and just about everything that could possibly go wrong is going wrong. Please do not take it personally if I tell you - directly or indirectly - to sod off. An advance warning, if you have not been fortunate enough to have experienced this directly - I guarantee that I will get in a strop if I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how to apply a complex Taylor series expansion to a rigorous mathematical proof, and you interrupt me by wanting to talk about dancing piglets or the like. (Under normal circumstances I highly encourage the discussion of dancing piglets - but not when I've got about 2,197 things on my to-do-or-die list that I haven't actually done and that I'm supposed to do - by the end of next week.)I will be back, I promise. Keep posting. I miss and love you all, even if it's just the ecstasy talking. xxx