

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours (okay - for those who know me well, that really was a terrible joke). Nor am I trying to advocate certain behaviour, or make the devout amongst yourselves hate me, but this is my take on the seven so-called sins.

1 > Pride. Let's face it. I am proud. I don't let anybody walk all over me.
2 > Greed. Yes, I am greedy. I'd like a hairstyle that stays put regardless of wind speed. I wish I had more shoes. And would a lifetime supply of tiramisu and sushi be asking too much?
3 > Envy. The grass is, and always will be, greener. So what?
4> Wrath. Sure, I'll admit to wanting to murder my ex-flatmate and chucking her alarm clock out the window.
5 > Lust. If it feels good, do it.
6 > Gluttony. I love food. I eat a lot. I eat a lot of food that I love. Why starve yourself?
7 > Sloth. Should I be working? Yes. Am I working? No. Am I being lazy? Absolutely.

Right. Now that I've turned the entire Christian world against me, I only have this left to say. I make little apology for the above. I believe in God, and pray nightly. I am Christian - but I am also human. Aren't we all?