written in the stars
My mum always used to say that people who read (and believe) in horoscopes have nothing better or more solidly grounded to believe in. Well, let's hope my mum isn't reading this, because she'd be disappointed to know that her daughter has been rather obsessively consulting the wisdom of dodgy astrologists as of late.On Sunday, my horoscope said this:
At the risk of sounding simplistic, try to lighten up a tad. Moreover, during the next week, every time you er, err on the side of 'where there's a will there's a way-ism' instead of hauling out your trusty rule book and lifestyle or self-help manual and drawing the relevant party's attention to subsection (iii), you'll be handsomely rewarded.
Today, my horoscope said this:
Something is watching over you. You are hard pressed to believe this with all the complications that you have had to face in recent times. Maintain an open mind and a high degree of enthusiasm. Do not take your vicissitudes too seriously.
My enthusiasm - or rather, feigned enthusiasm (it's all smiles and business, really) - is about to swallow me from the inside out. The difficulties I've faced in the past month are getting to be borderline ridiculous. As for the rest of the horoscope - strangely enough, I've been told rather similar things over the past week or so, and the words 'where there's a will there's a way' have never been that far from my mind either. What's supposedly written in the stars seems to fit rather snugly into the goings-on of my life. This all seems rather...erm...coincidental. But then again, so does just about everything else in my life.
Coincidence. I'm really beginning to detest that word.